
Showing posts from June, 2021


Google photo Icon in CSS

CSS Code *{ padding:0; margin:0; } body { width:100%; height:100vh; background:#f6f6f6; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; } .center{ width:300px; height:300px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; position:relative; } .red { width:80px; height:40px; background:red; position:absolute; border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px; transform:rotate(90deg); } .yellow { width:80px; height:40px; background:#E5D900; position:absolute; border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px; transform:rotate(0deg); left:16.50%; top:50%; } .green { width:80px; height:40px; background:#03AE00; position:absolute; border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px; transform:rotate(270deg); left:23.24%; top:70.1%; } .sky { width:80px; height:40px; background:#008CFF; position:absolute; border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px; transform:rotate(180deg); left:43.40%; top:63.42%; } HTML Code <div class="center"> <div class="...

Btn moving

Tesnor Flow - ML

Tesnorflow Visor
Button Ripple Click Effect Do You Wanna Click Me? 1 Do You Wanna Click Me? 2 Do You Wanna Click Me? 3
Rotating CSS Animation

Image Classification - ML

Image Classification With MobileNet and ml5.js Scanning ...

Guess Number - simple game

Guess Number Guess Number Rules: You enter number 1 To 10 only Computer choice: Loss Or Win